How to Handle Disputes in a Strata Scheme

Living in a strata scheme means sharing close quarters with neighbours, and sometimes, disputes can arise. Whether it's noise complaints, disagreements over pets, or issues with common property, handling these conflicts effectively is key to maintaining harmony in the community.

Common Types of Disputes

  1. Noise Complaints: One of the most common disputes in strata living is noise, whether from loud music, parties, or everyday activities like moving furniture.

  2. Pets: Disagreements about pets can occur, especially if by-laws are unclear or if a pet causes disturbances to neighbours.

  3. Parking: Parking disputes often arise over the use of visitor parking spaces, or if someone is parked in another resident’s designated spot.

  4. Common Property: Issues can also occur around the use or maintenance of common property, such as gardens, pools, or shared hallways.

Steps to Resolve Strata Disputes

  1. Communicate Directly: Before escalating a dispute, it’s often best to address the issue directly with your neighbour. A friendly conversation can resolve misunderstandings quickly and amicably.

  2. Involve the Owners’ Corporation: If a direct approach doesn't work, the next step is to bring the matter to the owners’ corporation or the strata committee. They can mediate and help find a fair solution.

  3. Seek Mediation: If disputes can’t be resolved within the strata scheme, formal mediation may be necessary. This involves a neutral third party helping both sides reach an agreement.

  4. Understand Your By-Laws: Being aware of and adhering to the strata by-laws is essential. These rules provide guidelines on acceptable behaviour and outline the process for handling disputes.

How QT Strata Can Help

At QT Strata, we’re experts in managing and resolving strata disputes. We provide clear guidance on the process, mediate conflicts, and ensure all residents understand their rights and responsibilities under the by-laws. With our help, you can maintain a peaceful and harmonious living environment in your strata community.

Need help resolving a strata dispute? Contact QT Strata today for expert support and advice!


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